NMC Graduate Students' Association

NMC Graduate Students' Association logo

All students in the Department of Near & Middle Eastern Civilizations are members of the Near and Middle Eastern Civilizations Graduate Students’ Association (NMCGSA).

At the end of each academic year, the student body elects student officials to form the Executive Council for the following year, who will deal with graduate student matters on their behalf. The Executive Council meets on a regular basis to attend to any concern or issue brought to the attention of the Executive by its student members, plan socials and other recreational activities, organize the Annual Graduate Students’ Symposium, oversee the publication of the Symposium proceedings, and act as a liaison between the faculty and the students.

The NMCGSA also has a representative at the University’s Graduate Students’ Union (GSU), who deals with graduate student matters and concerns across the university.

NMCGSA Executive Team 2024 - 2025

President: Mohammad Raza Haider
VP Communications & Student Outreach: Amanda Ladd
VP Finance: Vacant
VP Internal: Sara Molaie
VP Academic: Vacant
VP External: Kelsey Peterson
VP Events & Operations: Vacant

* If you are interested in joining the NMCGSA team, contact the NMCGSA via email (nmcgsa@studentorg.utoronto.ca).


Check the events calendar: https://nmcgsa.sa.utoronto.ca/nmcgsa-calendar

NMCGSA Documents:

 PDF iconNMCGSA Constitution


Email: nmcgsa@studentorg.utoronto.ca
NMCGSA Website

Mailing address:

Graduate Students’ Union (NMCGSA)
Near and Middles Eastern Civilizations
4 Bancroft Avenue, Room 207
University of Toronto
Toronto, ON, Canada
M5S 1C1