CSATS Master Class Series
When and Where
The Canadian Society for the Advancement of Turkish Studies (CSATS) cordially invites you to its upcoming event, “Journey Through Time: Turkish Classical Music”, featuring the esteemed Canan Sezgin Geylan, an artist with the Republic of Turkey Ministry of Culture and Tourism and renowned violin virtuoso, and Yahya Geylan, a prominent figure with TRT Istanbul Radio and conductor of the Üsküdar Musiki Cemiyeti.
This event, the first in our Master Class Series, will be conducted in both Turkish and English (with translation). The artists will also perform music samples discussed during the talk.
Alternatively, you can join via Zoom: https://utoronto.zoom.us/j/85373962279
Meeting ID: 853 7396 2279
Passcode: 861763
*See the event poster: CSATS_JourneyThroughTimeTurkishClassicalMusic_Poster.pdf