- Downtown Toronto (St. George)
Fields of Study
- Turkish Studies
Areas of Interest
- Turkish language teaching and pedagogy
- second language (L2) learning and processing
- Turkish as an additional language
- Turkish as a heritage language
- Psycholinguistics of bi-/multilingualism
- Turkish morpho-syntax
Gözde Mercan has been an assistant professor in the teaching stream at the Department of Near and Middle Eastern Civilizations of the University of Toronto, since September 2020. She holds a PhD in Cognitive Science with a major in Linguistics and a minor in Psychology. Professor Mercan has been affiliated with prestigious institutions including Harvard University, the University of Oslo, the University of Paris III-Sorbonne Nouvelle, and several top-ranking universities in Turkey.
Professor Mercan’s research centers on how learners of Turkish as a foreign, second, additional, or heritage language understand and produce Turkish words and sentences. Her current project investigates how L2 learners of Turkish comprehend ambiguous complex sentences in real-time. She also explores the word-order preferences of multilingual Turkish speakers and the mental representation of loanwords of Arabic, Persian, and French origin alongside their native Turkish equivalents.
At U of T, Professor Mercan teaches Turkish language courses at all levels as well as courses related to Turkish literature, TV, cinema, media, and communication. Her teaching and research complement each other. She believes that insights into language learning enhance teaching practices, and that real-life classroom experiences enrich and inspire L2 research. Reflecting this philosophy, she recently organized an international online workshop “Research-Based Practices in the Teaching of Turkish as L2” bringing together researchers and educators in this field.
Professor Mercan is a member of the Executive Board and the Conference Academic Committee of the American Association of the Teachers of Turkic Languages(AATT). In 2023, she organized AATT’s Roundtable “Teaching Turkish in North America on the Centennial of the Republic” at the Annual Meeting of the Middle Eastern Studies Association. She is also a co-organizer of NMC’s Seminar in Ottoman and Turkish Studies and serves as the vice-president of the Canadian Society for the Advancement of Turkish Studies. Additionally, she is a member of U of T’s Global Languages Initiative and Data Science Institute.
Professor Mercan is passionate about teaching the Turkish language and culture, and studying how individuals learn, comprehend, produce, and use this beautiful language.
- Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Insight Development Grant for the project “How do L2 learners resolve ambiguities in complex sentences?” (Ongoing)
- Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Institutional Grant (SIG) for the project “A corpus investigation of Turkish possessive NPs” (2024)
- Jackman Humanities Institute and Victoria College, Scholars-in-Residence (SiR) Program Funding for the project “Words of foreign origin in Turkish: An experimental investigation of speakers’ mental lexicons” (2023)
- University of Toronto’s Faculty of Arts & Science Tri-Council Bridge Funding for the project The comprehension, production, and use of the Turkish language by bi-/multilingual speakers in Canada” (2021)
- Dean’s Merit Award, NMC, Faculty of Arts & Science (2021)
- The Psychonomic Society and Women in Cognitive Science Networking Award for Junior Scientists (2020)
- Community organizations and experiential learning in teaching world languages in Canada. (Online) Roundtable on Community-Engaged and Experiential Learning in Modern Languages. CAIS (Canadian Association for Italian Studies) Annual Conference, Online and Orvieto – Italy (June 13-15, 2024)
- Reflecting on the teaching and learning «context» to make more intentional decisions. 9th Annual DAAD German Language Teaching & Learning Workshop “Reflective Teaching”, University of Toronto (December 8, 2023)
- Interactive Turkish language demo course exemplifying the communicative approach. In graduate course SPA1096 From Reflective Planning to Delivery in Language Teaching, taught by Jeannette Sanchez-Naranjo at the Department of Spanish and Portuguese, University of Toronto (November 21, 2023)
- Turkish language teaching in Canada [Paper Presentation]. AATT (American Association of Teachers of Turkic Languages) Roundtable: Teaching Turkish in North America on the Centennial of the Republic. MESA (Middle Eastern Studies Association) Annual Conference, Montreal (November 2-5, 2023)
- Türker, E., & Mercan, G. Order of Presentation of Grammatical Components in Elementary-Level L2 Turkish Coursebooks [Paper Presentation]. The 8th AATT (American Association of Teachers of Turkic Languages) (Virtual) Conference: Reach All, Teach All. (2023)
- Agregan, C.*, Kurşunlu, Y. T.*, Laha, U.*, Sarı, E.*, Tekgül, S*, Ergüt, S. E., & Mercan, G. Foreign-origin words and their native equivalents in the Turkish Lexicon: An investigation of relative frequencies and semantic relatedness [Poster presentation]. Words in the World International Conference (WOW2023), Online. * These authors contributed equally to the work (2023)
- From online back to in-person: Combining the best of both worlds in Turkish courses [Paper Presentation]. AATT (American Association of Teachers of Turkic Languages) Roundtable: Envisioning new directions and post-pandemic practices for teaching and learning in the field of Turkish and Turkic languages. MESA (Middle Eastern Studies Association) (Virtual) Annual Conference (2022)
- Heritage speakers in the foreign language classroom: Perspectives from Turkish, a lesser studied language in the Canadian context [Paper Presentation]. GLI 2022 1st University of Toronto, Global Languages Initiative Symposium: Languages Towards a Planetary Education, Toronto, Canada (2022)
- Designing a Conversational Turkish Course for Oral Communication in Context [Paper Presentation]. The 7th AATT (American Association of Teachers of Turkic Languages) (Virtual) Conference: Teaching Turkic Languages in a Changing World (2022)
- Mercan, G., & Türker, E. Reflections on the online teaching of Turkish from Canadian and Norwegian Perspectives. In F. Güven & J. Okur (Eds.) Teaching Turkish and Turkic Languages During the Pandemic: Past, Present, and Future Directions - Proceedings of the 6th AATT (The American Association of Teachers of Turkic Languages) Conference (pp. 49-68). Turko-Tatar Press (2022)
- Teaching Turkish as a Foreign and Heritage Language. İstanbul Aydın University Department of English Language Teaching Webinar, İstanbul, Turkey (2022)
- Two Languages in One Mind: How do bilinguals understand and produce Turkish sentences? CSATS (The Canadian Society for the Advancement of Turkish Studies Online Webinar), Toronto, Canada (2022)
- Turkish Multilingualism: Perspectives from L2 learning/teaching, and heritage speakers in Canada and beyond. University of Education, Lahore English Webinar Series (Virtual), Lahore, Pakistan (2022)
- Yabancı Dil ve Miras Dil Olarak Türkçe: Psikodilbilimsel Yaklaşımlar (Turkish as a Heritage and Foreign Language: Psycholinguistic Approaches), Webinar of Dilbilim Öğrenci Platformu (Linguistics Students Platfrom), Ankara, Turkey (2022)
- The relation between heritage speakers’ language use and their perception of societal attitudes towards multilingualism and multiculturalism [Paper Presentation]. ISB13 (The International Symposium on Bilingualism – Virtual Conference), Warsaw, Poland (2022)
- The relation between behavioural engagement measures and performance in the online learning environment [Paper Presentation]. ISSOTL21 (The International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning's Virtual Annual Conference), Perth, Australia (2022)
- Online resolution of the temporary subject-object ambiguity in Turkish. [Poster Presentation]. TU+6 Sixth Workshop on Turkic and Languages in Contact with Turkic, Virtual Conference (February 19-20 , 2021)
- The production and processing of Turkish by bi-/multilingual speakers in Canada. Bilingualism, Mind, and Brain Lab Virtual Meetings (Department of Language Science, University of California, Irvine, Irvine, United States (last year listed as in progress) (2021)
- Does L2 English Influence the Online Processing of Complex Sentences in L1 Turkish in Proficient Bilinguals? [Poster Presentation]. Psychonomic Society's 61st Annual Meeting, Virtual Conference (November 19-21, 2020)
- Cross-linguistic Influence in the Online Processing of Turkish Post-verbal Word Order Variations by Turkish-English Heritage Bilinguals in Canada [Paper Presentation]. WILA 11-Annual Workshop on Immigrant Languages in the Americas, Virtual Conference (October 8-10, 2020)
- Within and between-language structural priming: A review of studies involving Turkish and possible directions for future research. Paper presented at Psychological Science Accelerator 2020 Conference (PSACON2020), Virtual Conference (September 8-10, 2020)
- Mercan, G., Türker-van der Heiden, E. Teaching Turkish as a Foreign Language Online during the Global COVID-19 Pandemic. [Paper Presentation]. 6th International Congress of Teaching Turkish as a Foreign Language (ICOTFL), Virtual Conference (September 10, 2020)
- Reflections on the online teaching of Turkish from Canadian and Norwegian Perspectives (Turko-Tatar Press : 2022)
- Review of the book Current Approaches to Syntax: A Comparative Handbook, edited by A. Kertész, E. Moravcsik, & C. Rákosi (2019) (Indiana University, Bloomington : 2020)
- The production of passives by English-Norwegian and Turkish-Norwegian bilinguals: a preliminary investigation using a cross-linguistic structural priming manipulation (Springer : 2019)
- The acquisition of Turkish (genitive)-possessive structures by adult Norwegian learners (John Benjamins Publishing Company, Amsterdam : 2019)
- Structural priming in the production of Turkish possessive noun phrases and noun clauses (Springer : 2019)
- Review of the book Corpus Linguistics and Statistics with R: Introduction to Quantitative Methods in Linguistics (NY: Springer : 2018)
- Structural priming in L2 Turkish: A study on possessive noun phrases and noun clauses (John Benjamins Publishing Company, Amsterdam : 2016)
- Yapısal hazırlama ve karşılıklı konuşmada sözdizimsel uyumun incelenmesi (Structural priming and the investigation of syntactic alignment in conversation) (İstanbul Kültür University, İstanbul : 2013)
- Türkçedeki ilgi-iyelik yapılarında yapısal hazırlama (Structural priming of genitive-possessive constructions in Turkish) (University of Szeged, Department of Altaic Studies, Szeged (Hungary) : 2012)
- Structural priming and the phrasal/clausal distinction: The case of CQs. (ISCA and the University of Athens : 2011)
- Semantic priming at the sentence level with the connective 'because' (ISCA and the University of Athens : 2011)