Global Displays of Islamic Art Today: Agency, Identity, and Politics

When and Where

Saturday, February 12, 2022 10:00 am to 12:00 pm


Global Displays of Islamic Art Today: Agency, Identity, and Politics

A virtual panel and discussion sponsored by the Islamic Art & Material Culture Collaborative (IAMCC) on the new and complex ways in which museums and galleries of Islamic art use objects today to communicate broader ideas and narratives in various global contexts.

Papers & Panelists:

  • “Objects Between Secularism and the Sacred at Istanbul’s Museum of Turkish and Islamic Art”  presented by Beyza Uzun, Doctoral Candidate, IMT School for Advanced Studies, Lucca, Italy 
  • “The Cultural Diplomacy and Contested Modernity of Museological Development in Qatar “ presented by Abdelrahman Kamel, Doctoral Candidate, Queen’s University, Kingston, Canada 
  • Displaying the Transcultural History of Objects: Shaping a French Islamic Heritage?” presented by Constance Jame, Doctoral Candidate, University of Heidelberg, Germany 
  • Configuring Multiculturalism: Heritage and Narrative at Toronto’s Aga Khan Museum and Granada’s Museo de la Alhambra” presented by Philip Geisler, Doctoral Candidate, Berlin Graduate School Muslim Cultures and Societies, Germany 
  • Political Dynamics of Curation and Waqf: The Malek National Library and Museum” presented by Leila Moslemi Mehni, Doctoral Candidate, University of Toronto, Canada 

Chair: The panel will be chaired by Dr. Fahmida Suleman, Curator of the Islamic World collections at the Royal Ontario Museum, Assistant Professor, Department of Near and Middle East Civilizations, University of Toronto (status only), and Co-chair of the IAMCC. 

For more information or to register, visit the Online Registration page.