NMCGSA 24th Annual Graduate Symposium

When and Where

Thursday, March 14, 2024 8:00 am to 3:00 pm
Debates Room (2034) and Music Room (2006)
Hart House, 2nd floor (7 Hart House Cir, Toronto)


The Near and Middle Eastern Civilizations Graduate Students’ Association (NMCGSA) is hosting its 25th Annual Symposium, "Dis/Connections: Interactions with the Past in West Asia and North Africa”.

This will be the first NMCGSA Symposium since the pandemic and thus, the theme of “Dis/Connections” reflects our desire to reforge connections with academic peers while also reflecting on themes of distance/nearness, continuity/change, and isolation/integration as it relates to the past in West Asia and North Africa, as well as our discipline’s engagement with that past.

Opening Remarks: Symposium Planning Committee Chairperson Rosemary Ott and NMC Department Chair Dr. Paul-Alain Beaulieu
Keynote Speaker: Dr. Alan Verskin (Department of History, University of Toronto)

There will be 22 presenters (students from both Canadian and international institutions) divided into 6 panels:

  • Elahé Omidyar Mir-Djalali Institute of Iranian Studies Panel on Continuities and Transformations in Modern Iran
  • Reception and Reimagination in Literature, Art, and Performance
  • Cultural Interactions and Change in Social and Intellectual Identity
  • Representations and Projections of Rulership and Authority
  • Critiques and Reinterpretations of Archaeological Methodologies
  • Historicism, Historical Space, and the Subaltern

Registration is currently open and free of charge. Due to capacity limitations, spots for this in-person conference are limited. 

To register or more information: https://forms.gle/knDhLqhujsEq4zfu5

See the event poster: PDF iconNMCGSA_SymposiumAnnouncement.pdf